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Tuesday, April 21

Moving On by Glancing Behind

So let's try to get to the very source of this. Why the sudden emptiness after the relationship? Why the feeling of being incomplete? Why don't I have the will to go on? You know what I think of it? We can trace this back to what were you before… before the relationship and before the break-up.

What were you before the relationship? Were you someone who doesn't know what to do with your life or someone full of dreams, someone on his/her way on achieving a life long goal? If you were someone who had no direction in life then, voila! There’s your problem. You never knew who you were since the start; so having a relationship would have given you more harm than good. More often than not, if you’re this type of person, you used the relationship to have an identity, to have a goal in life. You never had any when you were on your own so you grabbed your partner to help you out. But it turns out that the identity you've made and the goals you've sought are only as good as the existence of the relationship. Kaput. So there goes your life, down the drain with your ex. On the other hand, if you're the person who came to be just before you were "on" then the problem could have been what became of you during the relationship. In this case, you could have been so emotionally attached to your partner that it altered your priorities totally. Therefore resulting to the same fate as that of the first situation.

Now what do you do? Aha! So here comes the juicy part. If you're the person who had no idea whatsoever about what your life is all about, you better realize that now is the time for you to explore yourself. Find out what you want and what would make you happy. Do lots of experiments and "crazy" activities. You'll never know till you try. And for the other type of person, think back of what you were. Though you may never be totally the same person, well at least you still know who you were and who you want yourself to be. Then go! Reach for those darling dreams you've long forgotten. Though these solutions may never be instant hits, but think about it. For one, you'll be preoccupied. And another, you will greatly improve your self-worth.

And so, for those in a relationship right now, i advise you to keep in touch with yourself while you’re in the relationship. Remember that you should have your own world as well as your partner has his/her own world too. And as these two worlds converges. Magic! You'll have one big beautiful world you call your relationship.

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Monday, April 13


This goes to the very select people. The persons I like being with. They know who they are. This also goes to those who I've clashed opinions with and most of the time, they're the same people.

Sometimes I'd choose to think that people come in at the most appropriate time. It's nice to think that every little thing has its purpose. I know I only give meaning to these otherwise meaningless things. But this is all a matter of personal conviction. Whether or not this is true won't matter. What matters is what believing these things does for you.

There's this thing about living. Living is more than a privilege. Though we are compelled to exist without ever asking for it and without ever finding for an excuse, an immeasurable power comes along with it. It makes me hypothesize that there's an immutable weaving force in all there is. I don't know what kind of force that is. But I'm pretty sure it's strong. And attractive.

There's this thing about us. People have an innate and infinite desire for redemption. For instance, believing in something out there is a justification. The enduring notion that goodness triumphs over evil is the manifestation of our desire for a happy ending in every story.

But as I was telling you, I just shape up things in my head according to my perspective. For all you know this is all one big joke. But that's the whole point. If I were given the license to give meaning to everything I see, I hear, I feel and touch then I will use this advantage for a better cause. This maybe a matter of logic but this is more a matter of making our own truth tables. We hold on to our own set of codes and ideology and that's a valid argument.

We choose and formulate our own set of truths because they fit us ever so perfectly and it does good in our part. When it comes to faith, one has to cut out all existing laws and principles.

It's like a singularity where laws of physics do not hold. One doesn't have to think at all. One just has to believe. As for me, I am holding on to my own philosophy because doing so gives me a sense of purpose.

I'm a dreamer and so are you, admit it. It's rational to hope and to believe, anyway. If there really is nothing to hope for and to believe in then we would have been fashioned to be the exact opposite of what and who we are.

But that's okay if you don't agree with what three-fourths of this column says. Comment all you want. Believe it your way and I believe it mine.

I would not go down to endless battle of wits to let you see what I see for I know too well that you don't see things the way I do. Basically it's all a matter of choice. Choose what to believe in, choose what to live for. But we all have to arrive at the same thing just as we started with that same thing.


To the people--kinda weird cause life seems too kind. Thanks, I'll grow up someday.

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Monday, April 6


so its my first day in my barista class. it's nice that our "master" showed us how to make some coffee. he call it some but i think we had seen a lot. its a preview of what we're going to learn soon. im so excited! being a coffee addict, it's like paradise out there. though my parents disapprove my decision to take a short course of being barista cause it might affect my studies, in the end they i won by telling them that i'll be their personal barista. its just a manner of strategy you know. oh! here's the set of coffee that our master made.

cafe americano

A single shot of espresso with about 7 ounces of hot water added to the mix.

Black coffee

A drip brew, percolated or French press style coffee served straight, with no milk.

Cafe au Lait

Similar to Caffe Latte, except that an au lait is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. Additionally, the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1, making for a much less intense taste.

Caffe Latte

Essentially, a single shot of espresso in steamed (not frothed) milk. The ratio of milk to coffee should be about 3:1, but you should be aware that latte in Italian means ‘milk’, so be careful ordering one when in Rome.


Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top.


A big favorite in parts of Europe and Latin America, especially during the summer months. Originally a cold espresso, it has more recently been prepared putting 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee with sugar, water and ice. The brew is placed in a long glass with ice, and milk if you like, turning it into a big coffee milkshake.

Espresso Con Panna

Your basic standard espresso with a shot of whipped cream on top.

Greek Coffee

Made by boiling finely ground coffee and water together to form a muddy, thick coffee mix. In fact, the strongest Turkish coffee can almost keep a spoon standing upright. It’s often made in what’s known as an Ibrik, a long-handled, open, brass or copper pot. It is then poured, unfiltered, into tiny Demitasse cups, with the fine grounds included. It’s then left to settle for a while before serving, with sugar and spices often added to the cup.

Iced coffee

A regular coffee served with ice, and sometimes milk and sugar.

Indian (Madras) filter coffee

A common brew in the south of India, Indian filter coffee is made from rough ground, dark-roasted coffee Arabica or Peaberry beans. It’s drip-brewed for several hours in a traditional metal coffee filter before being served. The ratio of coffee to milk is usually 3:1.

Irish coffee

A coffee spiked with Irish whiskey, with cream on top.

Kopi Tubruk

An Indonesian-style coffee that is very similar to Turkish and Greek in that it’s very thick, but the coarse coffee grounds are actually boiled together with a solid piece of sugar.


One for the aficionados, this is an extra long pull that allows somewhere around twice as much water as normal to pass through the coffee grounds usually used for a single shot of espresso. In technical terms, it’s a 2-3 ounce shot.


This popular drink is basically a Cappuccino or Latte with chocolate syrup added to the mix. Sweeter, not as intense in coffee flavor, and a good ‘gateway’ coffee for those who don’t usually do the caffeine thing.


A stronger version of Thai coffee, Oliang is a blend of coffee and other ingredients such as corn, soy beans, and sesame seeds. Traditionally brewed with a “tung tom kah fe”, or a metal ring with a handle and a muslin-like cloth bag attached.


The opposite of a Lungo, the name of this variety of coffee means ‘restricted’, which means less water is pushed through the coffee grounds than normal, even though the shot would take the same amount of time as normal for the coffee maker to pull. If you want to get technical, it’s about a 0.75 ounce pull.

Vietnamese style coffee

A drink made by dripping hot water though a metal mesh, with the intense brew then poured over ice and sweetened, condensed milk. This process uses a lot more coffee grounds and is thus a lot slower than most kinds of brewing.

White coffee

A black coffee with milk added.

so that ends our lesson for today. lol. anyway, i hope i didn't bore any of you with these entry. as if somebody will listen cause im like in a deserted island right now. We haven't made a single cup yet. But hopefully next time i would do good by preparing the best blend of instant coffee.

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Friday, March 27

Haroue's Castle

i was bored. then i saw these on tv. so i checked it out. if you wanna go there, its near the city of Nancy in the north east in France. just ask the locals. lol.

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Saturday, March 14


Wings like these, so white and so clean fit me right!

A child would burst into a big laugh. An adult would spurt into a sly, mocking guffaw that they might want to kick me into the nearest pickup truck. Kablam, there goes another trash ass straight into the lap of the father’s scrap bin! And swoosh, there goes the scumass having a blast with those smarmy worms and greasy squanders all over the place.

I want to puke and give all the pleasure to be rowdy because of such filth before me. But the act of adding dirt inhibit me from doing so. My ass ached for the double punt. But then again it hurt me more knowing that I deserved to be dumped.

You’re a trash waiting to be kicked in a bash!

Once you’ve been thrown out from a nice and comfortable place, you’ll get to appreciate every little details of it. And once you’ve been into its total opposite, you’ll be grateful for even the biggest imperfection attached to it.

Living inside the sordid garbage truck with nothing but your fellow trash, I can’t help but appreciate those things that I used to have. Those people that I can talk to (no matter how pretentious they were). Those things that often I have neglected for I found slight use to them. And not knowing how and why, I’ve learned that life doesn’t always work the way you wanted it be. You have to learn first. And learning for me is the hardest part to bear. But life is a teacher and it taught me to be patient.

And so I think. I’ve been thinking a lot actually!

That maybe, if I said sorry to those people I have hurt, I’ll be more spirited in knowing how they feel. That maybe if I tried to understand them better, I’ll be able to know why they dumped me. That maybe, if I listened more and talked less I’ll be able to determine words that they often left unsaid. That maybe if I showed more appreciation and acceptance, I’ll be able to subdue the little nuisances of being bitter. Maybe, maybe then, I’ll be able to revive my wings…

And so I think again. Until it finally came to me. The smarmy worms never looked disgusting anymore, and these grease had stopped me from being riotous. More than that, I’ve learned to hold them in my own hands with out the slightest grunts. Without the feeling that these dirt might cause me to puke or kill me even.

This is rubbish, but this is me!

I do not know when will they take me from this new place that I have found.

Maybe one day a hand will lift me up and help me to be on track again. Maybe one day they will spare one more opening and let me fly with trust.

But I do not want that! I want to find my way out. And I want to do it on my own.

Maybe not now, not yet. I have yet to clean myself and learn what this life has been trying to teach me.

I haven’t yet unfold some important mysteries or its little expectancy. Not yet.

Life says, I have finished the first step, I have lived with the trash and accept them. Now I have to go through the next step. But to determine what it is… I do not know yet!

And maybe after that I’ll be able to have my wings back…pure and unblemished!

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Thursday, March 12

NBA widgets

i found this widget cool but then it doesn't fit my sidebar so im putting it here.

i love this game!

Viva Spurs!

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Tuesday, March 10

Equilibrium : Where not feeling can actually be fun

Third Time's a charm

In the near future, after another reoccurrence of one of the greatest man made catastrophes that hit our world, Humanity has finally found a solution to perhaps one of the greatest problems that has plagued it ever since the dawn of time. Convinced that it is their ability to feel that has caused the Third World War and all the previous violent conflicts prior, human emotions have finally been exchanged for what the reality of a war-free Utopia.

Feeling, the bane of humanity, is gone thanks to the introduction of a drug known as Prozium. War is nothing but a word in the memories of a barbarous past. Society is finally functioning at almost a hundred percent efficiency. With the exception of the dregs who still cling to "feelings," what they believe defines humans instead of the vile parasite it is that slowly degrades its host. To which the Council of Libria has commissioned a military organization to hunt down these "sense offenders" and erase all traces of EC-10 (material with emotional content). And along with these are an elite fighting corps known as Grammaton Clerics, headed by the mysterious "Father." These "holy" paladins, skilled in the art of Gun Kata, are the bastion of the new war-free society.

Yet, what if one of the members of the Clerics were to be compromised by the Sense Offender Underground?

Err... yes that would connate to the situation wherein the Clerics having a traitor in their midst, but we also would have the story of Equilibrium. When Grammaton Cleric John Preston accidentally does not take his periodical Prozium dose, he is suddenly hit head-on by the contraband emotions his kind is sworn to erase. Like a child who has been finally allowed out after only catching glimpses of the outside world from foggy glass paned windows, John plunges into a bout of self-doubt. Did humanity take a turn to the better by chaining their emotions? Or did they forget what it means to be what they are and paid a cost too high for "peace"?

Deja vu? Bad? Of course not!

Yes, all this sounds like a retelling of something that's been buzzing around the head of almost every Sci-Fi/Fantasy reader's head. Found right beside the Beta Quadrant and that Wormhole into the dimension of hot sexy chicks in "Federation Regulation Silk Uni--"

Whoops. Anyway you get the point, this is old sci-fi/fantasy material. Get a society, slap the "feelings-are-a-sign-of- evolutionary-rejects" plot, sprinkle some group resistance fighters who still have the ability to feel, and add that optional convert to the resistance who (more likely than not) have a romantic connection with one of the rebels.

But then again, almost every modern Sci-Fi flick has its roots found in one of those B-Movies of old. The presence of story elements older than your Grandmother is not a good reason NOT to watch Equilibrium. In fact it's the opposite, the sysnthesis of those elements in this movie was well carried out.

What you don't know... actually see...

The emotion-"less" society portrayed in Equilibrium was indeed an eyeful and even more. The city of Libria, though meant to be a blocky, grayscale collection of buildings (IE Sci Fi movie-goer eye candy), was shot pretty well. It is depicted in a certain scene where John Preston claws at the material covering his windows. Covering that was meant to shield the inhabitants of that room from seeing sights which would inspire the feeling of awe. And what a feeling of awe it was.

Another high point of the movie was the Gun Kata fighting style of the Grammaton Clerics. It is the ultimate synthesis of Man and Gun (IMHO). The Clerics, utilizing a wealth of combat footages, are able to pick the correct sequence of maneuvers and stances in any kind of situation that would minimize any kind of physical harm what would come to them. I don't need to elaborate any more on this as you will see the application of this fighting style a lot in the movie.

You thought the action scenes of the Matrix were breathtaking, you have to watch the "final" actions scenes here, one of them involving a Melee-based Gun Fight (no this doesn't pertain to smashing each other silly with firearms).

In conclusion, stop reading this article and watch the film.

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Thursday, February 19


suddenly, freeze-fighting cells went on vacation and i suddenly felt like im in winter wonder land so i decided to play on my coffee and chocolates.

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Thursday, February 12

Caccia Del Libro

Rarely do I go to bookstores with a set of titles or authors in mind. I often wobble around every shelf and search for good reads. I would usually go for titles that would strike me the most or authors that would ring a bell either from a friend’s recommendation or a passing recall somewhere at the hind of my brain.

Jane Mendelsohn’s I Was Amelia Earhart is one of those books that you would usually overlook. The book is thin, plain and basically what I called “stripped” (grey and lacks appeal). A book that you would routinely ignore everytime it sees you. Initially, that’s the effect it had on me. The name of the author didn’t tinkle my consciousness but the title did. Then I remembered the New Radicals’ Someday We’ll Know, which was later revived by Mandy Moore and Jonathan Foreman. Then, the book became visible to my senses.

I Was Amelia Earhart is Mendelsohn’s first book. It’s an imagined novel that recounts the life of Amelia Earhart, America’s first woman aviator after she and her navigator, Fred Noonan disappeared in the cost of New Guinea in 1937. The mysterious death of Earhart has prompted Mendelsohn to write this one-of-a-kind fiction. In 1992 she spotted an interesting article written by Richard Gillespie of The New York Times stipulating the discovery of a piece of plane that they believed to have been Earhart’s crashed Electra. Mendelsohn picked up a nice storyline about two people flying together in oblivion and started researching about Earhart’s life.

What makes this book deviant from those conventional mythic personage novels is how Mendelsohn merged reality with the subliminal. It amazes me how her mind weaves the instances as if she was a witness to such event. I love the subtlety and suave narration. It encourages your mind to wonder and see what the characters are feeling and what their subconscious minds probe into. It’s like you’re there but at the same time you feel that it’s non-existent. Then you’ll forget why the words are likely to reverberate in your mind even though you have passed by the lines a day after.

I couldn’t say it’s an addicting book but rather the kind that you would want to read piece by piece because you don’t want it to easily end. You’ll want to linger and stay. I Was Amelia Earhart for me is like watching Altman’s Streamers or Cronenberg’s Spider. There’s not much pacing in the story but you’ll crave for every detail. Your mind is exercised into some thinking and imagining. It’s like a wide horizon waiting to be explored and then at the middle of it you’ll forget how you get there in the first place.

I Was Amelia Earhart is poetic, lyrical and telegraphic in its vividness. It’s straight and honest but at the same time it could puzzle and tickle your mind. Earhart epitomizes women taking risks and challenges. She symbolizes women’s strength and power—the woman who went where no woman had dared go before and never came back.

Astonishing as it is, what makes this book different is how Mendelsohn is able to merge personas, a first-person narration and third blend. The book is charged with longing and passion transporting the readers to who was Earhart, what’s her childhood like, her marriage, her public life, and her eventual end. It is written unconventionally but strangely typical.

This “afterlife” meditation as the tense of the title speaks of is obviously playful of time. The concept of time is an essential aspect of this book as it merges the past, the present, the future and the “what ifs” of Earhart’s life.

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Sunday, February 1

sucker part 2.

oh by the way, they also gave me these. oh man. they're lucky im a nice neighbor. i hope next Christmas they wont just give away their inventory on their store. i wish i had a new set of hockey jersey.

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Saturday, January 31


a neighbor gave me these for christmas. if my tennis team see me wearing these, goodbye world! lol. its cold right now. jeez.

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Sunday, January 11


And all the attachments I have with this world of ours maybe of no sense at all, I choose to reflect on the attachments of my physical body to my spiritual soul and towards my moral self. For it may seem nothing could last in this world. But it really doesn’t matter anyways. For what is important for me is what will last in my heart. And I want happiness to stay in my heart forever. For I refuse to be lonely. Even if everybody seems to come and go, I will always have a piece of him or her inside me.

And I have this really weird feeling that everything happens for a reason. Even the loneliest of events happens for a very good reason. I choose to believe. For I choose to be happy. I will never dwell on my past mistakes but rather learn and go on. For I’ve loved and lost, lived and learned. But still, I won’t give up. For I refuse to be lonely.

And though I cry today, I refuse to cry forever. For my soul wasn’t meant to be lonely. I may be alone at the moment, but not for long. This I know. And somebody may come again but is destined to leave anyway. I wouldn’t care. For the fact of the matter is, I will keep myself intact. She will never leave with the whole of me. But I will celebrate the emotions I felt, for I am human. And I refuse to be lonely. And detach from it all for it’s a hateful world. But I refuse to hate. Love is what I should feel for every molecule and every particle in this universe.

And I may be senseless. I am meaningless. But I refuse to make myself trivial, for I am significant. These words have no meaning. No sense, no direction. Meaningless. But not me. For I refuse to be lonely.

And though my refusal is futile, I will never give up.

I choose to be happy.

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Saturday, January 10


i was biking when i saw these clear scene. lolz.

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Thursday, January 8


would you believe he can talk?
replay's believe it or not.
im surely bored.

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Monday, January 5

Nuova Luna

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." --George Bernard Shaw

A friend once told me that the darkest side of the moon is whenever it's new moon. tonight, by some intergalactic forces that influenced my inner most being... i have decided to create a new world. a world afar from the people that knows me well. and maybe through these, i can identify myself. who am i. and why am i here. i am not angry at anyone, its like drawing on a new set of paintings on a different canvas. Im speechless right now. Maybe Stephen King is right.. the most important things are the most difficult things to say.

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    i am a solid,
    trying to do
    a liquid's job.

Thank you

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